About Us
Goa Bird Conservation Network (GBCN) is a non-profit society registered in Goa under the Societies Registration Act 1860. GBCN has its roots back in 2010 when a group of enthusiastic birders from the state had met and decided to come together as a group for documenting birds and take up issues related to bird conservation, awareness and conservation in Goa. The group initially represented the India Bird Conservation Network- Goa Chapter and functioned under the name of GBCN. Since its inception, members have been joining the network constantly and have been contributing on a regular basis.
GBCN in association with the Goa Forest Department has conducted surveys and census in all protected areas of the state in the past five years and GBCN is a partner with the Goa Forest Department for conducting the Annual Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary census which happens between February and March. GBCN has also been conducting the Asian Waterbird Census from 2011 in Goa regularly. The year 2014 heralded the era of social media and the group went online on Facebook which has a wider reach and audience. In the same year, GBCN became an official partner of the BirdCount India Consortium to promote documenting of birds in the state through “citizen science” model by promoting eBird, which is an online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance. GBCN has also been instrumental in declaring four areas of the state as Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) in 2011 and proposing three more in 2014.
As part of public outreach, GBCN conducts monthly Bird Walks held on the 1st Sunday of every month. These Bird walks are open to general public and everyone including the young and old join a team of expert birders who lead the walk to explore the birdlife of the selected location and enjoy the “great Goan outdoors”.